woensdag 19 november 2008

Mao, you fat "Commy" Dictator who caused all of the misery!!

Surprise, surprise, after WAN-KING-DIK's epic siege of Wall Street and the reverberations thereof, the whole global, financial system is rocking at it's foundations and our major advanced, industrial nations are rocketing (or have rocketed) into recession, shock, horror!!

The ol US and UK, well that was pretty obvious, build your economies on stilts built from Mastercard and Visas then they're bound to collapse. Germany, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, etc, well they're being forced to join the US and UK because they were stupid enough to invest their trillions in dodgy US and UK investment companies and who the fuck wants to buy a luxury 100.000 Euro Merc in this day and age (St Jagged would like too, but living under a bridge in ol Amsterdam and surviving on rats droppings together with his ol slave and saviour WAN-KIN-DIK, thats certainly not in his budget, aagh!), shock, horror.

St.Jagged (sorry about the echo, the bridge under which I've pitched my wanky tent has not been insulated and the waves hitting the side walls cause a terrible echo effect and constantly wake my fellow RAT inhabitants up out of their daily snooze in the sun), after plummeting down to SEWER-RAT level St.Jagged has decided to point his moulding finger at the one and only (pictured above) MAO TSE (die hard communist muvva fucker) Tung and blame him for all of the misery incurred by himself and his merry ol servant, ex - wartime hero, ex - broken wheeled, rikshaw pulling, skinny as a bone, earthquake victim, WAN-KIN-DIK.

Why? Jaggedone's, you are all asking yourselves is MAO to blame for all of the financial misery, recessions, meltdowns, banking scandals, etc, etc.

Very easy my beloved Jaggedone's (All donations for the "Save St.Jagged and his merry ol WAN-KIN-DIK Charity" should be sent to Amsterdamned, 666th, 88th, bridge somewhere along the polluted canals of the Dutch capital of prostitution, drug - taking and gay rights, Postcode : Combat 18 somewhere in the Netherlands) Mao should have told his present Chinese rulers that communism is not fucking capitalism, capitalist, global trading and production should never have been allowed under a "communist regime" and never ever should the Chinese communist party be doing dirty deals with its worst enemies, the rest of the capitalist, greedy muvva fucking world, and earning trillions of dirty dollars on the way!!!

That is the reason why "muy Pobre" St.Jagged and ol WAN-KIN-DIK are stuck under this fucking bridge, if ol fatty Mao had done his job properly St.Jagged would never have bought those worthless shares in that useless, crap toy manufacturing factory somewhere in downtown Shaghai (sorry Shangai). If Mao had warned all of them greedy muvva fucking Chinese leaders not to get involved with the rest of the "Global Capitalist Mafia's" then St'Jagged would have invested his millions (made from writing this crap) in a fucking Icelandic bank, ooops, and mega fucking oops!!!

OK, OK, St.Jagged will keep his bridge warm and cosy until the rest of you losers decide to join him and ol WAN-KIN-DIK for a not - so - happy, very wet and cold New Years Eve party under an ol Amsterdam bridge somewhere in the Sodom and Gomorrah of planet earth and we can all get pissed together (don't forget to bring your bottles of meths and spiritus with you as a show of solidarity for the one and only loser and about to become a totally pissed, drunken alcholic) Also, St.Jagged and his merry ol, well you fucking know, can't afford any of those ladies lurking naked behind the red lights, he'll leave them for our up and coming "New Rich" Polish cabbage pickers (but that's another subject to Blog about!)
Adios from St.Jagged and his WAN-KIN-DIK (only friend left in the world) and King Alfred (Rat disguised as a king with huge red eyes, Albino white skin, weighing in at 50 kilos, teeth like a fucking walrus and keeping the waves out of my soggy and damp tent as long as I promise to lick his webbed and stinking paws every hour!)

donderdag 13 november 2008

The end of the MASTER RACE as we know it!!

Jaggedone's he's won, what a fucking surprise, or what a foregone conclusion. Well at least we can say goodbye and good riddance to our favourite mass "PIG" destroyer, Georgie Porgie and welcome our coloured Messiah to the White (white, fuck me they should invent a new name for the palace, Black or coloured House maybe?) House, or is it such a grand welcome for some of you whiter than white muvva fuckers out there???

Pointing the finger at our favourite group of upright citizens claiming that the white caucasian "Master Race" are the one and only masters. You all have been taking some mega - severe black/coloured batterings in recent history. I wish to point out to them that the whiter than white "Master Race" is certainly on the fucking run and about to disintegrate into oblivion if mankind continues progressing the way it has done recently.

Lets analyse the facts my Jagged "multi coloured" ones":

1) Well Mr "non - white" (what the fuck is he anyway?) Obama has reached the ultimate pedestal in a landslide victory and created history by becoming the first non-white President of the good ol US, fuck on Martin Luther King, "I had a dream."

2) Most successful olympic athletes tend to be slightly off - colour or black, fuck on ol Jesse Owens and stuff Adolf & Co. You white caucasian muvva fuckers are certainly hanging way behind (yeah, yeah, OK in support of all those olympic swimmers out there, they're pretty white, but our coloured colleagues don't take to water like our ol whiteys do especially the shark version, bite your cohones off and crunch my whiter than white Australian surfers, suntanned, bleached haired legs off!).

3) Baseball, Basketball, English soccer, European soccer, worldwide soocer (mega coloured!), fuck me, there are certainly a lot of non-white faces and legs running rings round the rest of us and winning every fucking prize there is to win ("yeah, yeah, what about good ol ice hockey, Skiing and winter sports then, clever shit St.Jagged". "Well that's pretty obvious our coloured bretheren and sisters don't particularly adhere to the ice and cold do they, Jamaica, warm sun, tropical rum, reggae, marihjuana and all of that crap!).

4) Islam and muslims are the nr. one religion on the planet (plenty of colouring there white Master Race muvva fuckers!) and certainly good ol fucking whiter than white christianity is dying a slow, crucifixion death, even more rapidly than ol Jesus himself!

5) Ex - colonies scattered over the planet, no fucking "WHITE POWER" left there either!

6)Fascists, Neo - Nazis, Rascists, (ST. Jagged plenty of colouring there too!), KU KLUX, Aryan Brotherhoods, White Nationalist groups, etc, well your'e a dying fucking breed of white muvva fuckers aint ya!!

So, lets have a resumé, all of you blind, ignorant, muvva fucking whites hating others just because they're a slightly different colour, watch your mega - white balls because soon they're about to be hacked off by the one's you all love to hate. You are a pitiful minority and the world's population is catching you up rapidly, so just accept the fact that those of a slightly different origin and colour are about to conquer the world (St.Jagged hopes his super strong sun tan will convince them all that he is a yellow fucking coward and shows coloured solidarity to the inevitable future of mutli - culti, coloured, black POWER and St.Jagged's cohones remain where they are!) and if you don't you will all be strung up and castrated by hooded, coloured, scary figures, dressed in black robes, branding crosses of fire and preaching loud fucking Islamic verses as a pre - torture before your whiter than white balls are removed!!!

Goodbye from your slightly off - coloured, badly tanned, pretending he's a Eunuch and running to the hills with his whiter than white balls wrapped up in black cotton wool , ST.Jagged!!!