Sorry about these disturbing pictures, but this is the TRUTH!
Well Jaggedone's there are some subjects, which one really cannot take the piss out of or laugh at, in the past St.Jagged wrote about sexual child abuse and that was no laughing matter either.
A very dear, close and loving person asked the Jaggedone to write about a subject, which ST.Jagged fails to find any humour in at all so here we go, and this is more than serious!!!
A well known philosopher, Schopenhauer, once quoted: "A society which allows the mistreatment and torture of its animals is a mirror of the society itself".
These pictures are proof of that, and they are certainly not fucking aliens!
It is nearly that time of the year when several Nordic nations pick up their nailed clubs, go off to the breeding grounds of innocent seals and commit bloody genocide, similair to other atrocities which also happen annually.
OK they're just animals, so fucking what, no they are not just animals! They are an integral part of the natural cycle and have the right to exist that way, even if they later get eaten by larger predators, that is the way nature should determine the existence of all of its creatures, great or small.
Sadly, most humans have a different approach and feel that they can intervene in this process, not for the benefit and progression of nature, no my thinking Jaggedone's, no, fucking no and never.
They intervene solely for one purpose, greed, materialism, and power! The bullshit lies that are told by our Nordic bretheren whilst slaughtering these beautiful beasts cannot be acceptable: "We need to cull the numbers because they deplete our fishing areas" bollocks and still more bollocks.
Mankind wasn't not built to eat tinned, frozen, factory fish and their by - products, man, in certain areas of the planet, was meant to survive on fish. seals, polar bears, etc, in limited numbers solely for pure survival and not for mega - multi million profits and global distribution!!!
This annual slaughter is the disgusting proof of what the human race really is, a wild, destructive, teriffying slaughtering machine, let loose to conquer and destroy the planet and rape all of it's natural resources for only one reason, GREED!
These acts of genocide on any breed of innocent animal are no different to the acts of genocide between humans and the reasons are the same !!!
Nature has been evolving in its own way over billions of years, human intervention has dissolved that natural process and excelerated the destruction process to an extent where the natural process is completely and utterly irreparable unless we of course get bombarded by comets, meteors or an atomic bomb maybe?
These acts of despicable human behaviour continue to destroy these wonderful creatures and their greed driven quest for their furs, meat, and ony other by - products, which are sellable, has nothing whatsoever to do with natural survival.
When the human race was forced into taking this journey of complete and utter madness, destruction, greed, materialism and the quest for power by the powers that be, there had to be sacrifices.
These sacrifices and their victims are the weak, the innocent, the poor, the natural habitats, their inhabitants, etc, and the results and scars are plain to see all over the planet. The slaughtering of whales and seals are just small, disgraceful examples of the execution of these acts and the human beings insatiable craving for materialism and greed at all costs.
We are all guilty and as we observe these inhuman acts being carried out by our fellow HUMANS we should all feel thoroughly ashamed, angry and disgusted that such genocide is allowed to continue. The human race is proud of its achievements but fails on every count when these despicable acts of genocide are still allowed to continue on these, beautiful, innocent animals.
St.Jagged is certainly not an apostle of doom or can he offer any solutions for the planet and its problems. The human race has got its self into this disgraceful state and its up to the individual to rethink his own personal situation, improve one's own knowledge and reject completely any products, which are sourced through these acts.
St. Jagged and his readers cannot and will not even attempt to change the world the only thing that St.Jagged does is laugh and take the piss out of the mess, unfortunately this subject is impossible to laugh at and it only deserves the contempt it should rightfully receive.
Fuck on all of you brave protestors, Green Peace, etc, and every one of you has forced this issue upon our pathetic and corrupt leaders hoping to rid the planet of these "scum, greed mongers and callous murderers." St.Jagged supports you and if you save one whales life then you are all heroes in my books.
Sorry that this subject cannot make you laugh or is in anyway humorous, St.Jagged will save that for other subjects, which will certainly occur and not escape my attention!
Goodbye and keep on protesting
St "VERY ANGRY" Jagged
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