OK, OK, St.Jagged promised all of our avid and TRUTHFUL readership not to get involved in slagging off or supporting merry ol coloured Obama and St.Jagged certainly didn't want to get involved in that wild west show happening over there in the good ol USA, but fuck me, how could St.Jagged resist this one:
This is the fucking TRUTH, St.Jagged has been following the latest news, rallies, interviews, slagging matches, etc, during the run in to the "Final Countdown" (Swedish crappy rock band called Europe started it, fuck off back to Knaecker Broot land!!) and some interesting developments have started to happen, the boxing gloves have been abandoned and bare fucking knuckle fist fighting has taken its place (Brad Pitt stand - ins required!), no punches pulled, just blood hounding on the final stretch towards the golden gates of the whiter than white (maybe he'll have it painted when he moves in!) White House.
Accusations, accusations: Ancient fucking (ex Vietnam hero, sixty miles behind the battlefront and never got his fucking balls shot off) war hero McCain (nothing to do with those lovely, thin, crispy, frozen chip manufacturers or?) accuses ol Obama of the ordinary people of being a NATIONALIST because he dared used the words "I WILL UNITE AMERICA, I LOVE AMERICA, WE AMERICANS, BLACK, WHITE, PINK AND BLUE MUST UNITE, ETC, ETC!!!
Accusations, accusations: Ancient fucking (ex Vietnam hero, sixty miles behind the battlefront and never got his fucking balls shot off) war hero McCain (nothing to do with those lovely, thin, crispy, frozen chip manufacturers or?) accuses ol Obama of the ordinary people of being a NATIONALIST because he dared used the words "I WILL UNITE AMERICA, I LOVE AMERICA, WE AMERICANS, BLACK, WHITE, PINK AND BLUE MUST UNITE, ETC, ETC!!!
Accusations, accusations: Ancient fucking McCain and his ol whorey sidekick Palin have decided to call our upright and honest (black) man of the people a ........SOCIALIST, OK nothing wrong with that you would think, but were in the good ol US and socialists are fucking DEMONS or even BLACK WITCHES PRACTISING BLACK MAGIC AND VOODOO!
Now if ol St.Jagged is correct NATIONALISTS together with SOCIALISTS = NATIONAL SOCIALISTS = NAZIS!
There was a certain Austrian (Sieg Heil to all of my Aryan Brotherhood readers!) in Germany back in history who also was a NATIONAL SOCIALIST or NAZI and he preached to his fellow German folk: Unification of all German territories, prosperity to the working class, he even built the muvva fucking Autobahns to transport his merry ol tanks into Poland, Austria (Land of his birth), Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Russia, France, Holland, you name it, he fucking nicked it!!
"Yeah, fucking Yeah," you're all thinking, "there is one fundamental difference, ol Adolf (Persil white) and Co preached White Power to the Masterrace and ol Obama well he's a slightly off white, dark yellow, browny, blacky type of colour and up till now has not shown the world his "TRUE COLOUR (S)."
St.Jagged refuses to get involved in politics, but at the end of November 2008 ( albeit if some muvva fuckng loony NAZI Aryan Brother doesn't blow his fucking brains out) the mighty US will have their first non - white President and if McCain and scatty ol Palin are correct, he will also be the first non - white, blackish "NAZI" President to run the ol US, well thats a fucking thought isn't it~!!
Obama is destined to rule, and the majority minorities who make up the US population can't wait for ol coloured "Nazi" Barack to rule and God (he's pretty colourful too!!) forbid the "White" Caucasian masterrace (not forgetting their Jiddish bretheren, run for the fucking hills muvva fuckers!!) who could well be sent to Auschwitz - like concentration camps to repent and be punished for their past sins on black negro slaves, yellow slit eyed Japs, Koreans, Vietnamese, terrorist arab looking Iraqui's, Palestinians, Syrians, turban draped Afghani's, latino looking Cubans, Columbians, etc, etc.
OK, maybe ol St.Jagged just misinterpreted the bloody punches coming out of the filthy mouths of those corrupt politicians attempting to gain any advantage they can in the run up to the US Presidential elections and ol Barack is really just a simple (non - white, blackish) man wanting honest change for those idiots over there in the US who are so gullible and believe everything that is said to them anyway, who knows? Hidden agenda, what fucking hidden agenda!!!
Aufwiedersehen, HH, Sieg Heil, Jackbooted and off to crusade in the name of the deadly, "black" TRUTH, St.Jagged, yellow WAN-KIN-DIK (gradually recovering after his battle against those corrupt muvva fucker, multi - billionaire investors on whiter than white Wall Street) my black Cat, white Dog, black Goldfish and last not least my deadly (with a sting in his tail) Scorpion called Bin "goldie, bronzy, slightly grey bearded lost in a Pakistani cave somewhere in Pakistan" Laden!
PS: did you mob notice St.Jagged didn't even mention Obama's favourite "white" girl friend since two weeks, darling of the dick (or pussy, whatever they prefer) sucking US female rights movement, Hilary. Hypocrisy well that's a fucking massive understatement, but we are in the good ol land of the righteous and pure USA where bullshit is more common than Macdonalds shit!!!
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