Ho, Ho, Ho, and a very merry Christmas to all of my dedicated Jaggedones, BOLLOCKS! This ere Jaggedone will certainly not be celebrating Christmas, instead he has renamed the festive season: The EOY - FFF season (End Of Year - Family Fucking Fling season)
And to all of those hypocrites who sit down and celebrate CHRISTMAS, don't give a toss about the religious side of this festival, get pissed out of their brains, stuff their faces and throw millions out of the window for presents, they can all go and hang themselves on their christmas trees or drown in their credit card debts caused by this massive sham show!!!
Anyway Jaggedones, to get into the mood of the EOY - FFF season St.Jagged has made two lists of those deserving and those not deserving to celebrate this festive season, also those who have earnt the St.Jagged respect award and those who should be dumped OVER fucking BOARD AWARD!
Here we go: List One for those deserving to be respected and deserve every bit of EOY - FFF season booze, food and presents they can devour!
1) WAN-KIN-DIK, my merry ol earthquake damaged, one wheeled broken rickshaw pulling Chink who has stuck with St.Jagged through thick and thin. Slept under a freezing cold Amsterdam bridge, saved the world from financial, corrupt bastards (if only you people would listen to St.Jagged!!!), saved St.Jagged from the Maggot World and last not least, never will stop being, my ol WAN-KIN-DIK, merry EOY - FFF to him!
2) All nurses, doctors, carers, people who dedicate their lives to helping others, social workers, correctly run charities, GREENPEACE, and all others who know the world stinks but are willing to make a stand and show the world: WE COULD DO IT DIFFERENTLY!!!. St.Jagged's wishes for you all, A TRIPLE FUCKING PAY RISE and acknowledgement of the wonderful work you all do!!
3) All of you who detest and fight against the worldwide abuse of our children, one day the human race must learn not to abuse the one's who come behind us, WHY? If you can't answer that you're fucking braindead!
4) All of those who fight the wars on the fronts, have died fighting the wars, are disabled because of the wars and those who care for the wounded and injured caused by the wars (this is not meant for those who cause the wars and those politicians and officers who hide behind their rankings/status and let the "little people" do their dirty work for them!)
5) All of you who fight against the worldwide abuse of our animal co - inhabitors and understand how wrong it is to abuse the weaker less intelligent inhabitants of the planet.
6) All vegetarians who understand how disgusting and wrong it is to eat factory produced meat and their by - products (all meat - eating indiginous inhabitants of this planet are not excluded in this wish, they have a right to survive, just like our animals, so therefore if the only source of food on offer is an animal, then so be it, nature at it's most natural, St.Jagged has no problems with that!)
7) All those living below the poverty line in wretched circumstances and will not have such a happy EOY - FFF. Sorry, this Jaggedone cannot do anything about your terrible situation, but St.Jagged still wishes you all of the best in you dreadful conditions.
8) Last not least St.Jagged and his faithful, global readership (if you can take this bullshit for more than one blog, then you really deserve the special EOY - FFF wishes and awards!), also the St.Jagged family members who suffer this arsehole on a daily basis, St.Jagged loves you all!!
List of non - deserving, not to receive the EOY - FFF award, hang em up on their hypocritical christmas trees bastards who St.Jagged detests:
1) Corrupt Politicians (well that's 99%!), corrupt business people (well thats 99%), corrupt and evil religious leaders (well thats 99%!) misusing their positions to abuse their blind followers; and most disgustingly, catholic/protestant priests hiding behind their sacred costumes and sexually abusing children!
2) All those people who scavenge and benefit off of our political systems, i.e. Politicians, civil servants and fraudsters.
3) All global dictators who abuse their positions, live in luxury, gather millions and let their poor people suffer (enough of them bastards scattered all over the planet!).
4)Terrorists who are too cowardly to confront their "enemies" in a correct manner but choose to blow themselves to smitherenes, and have taken thousands of innocents with them, caused mayhem, chaos and misery wherever they leave their disgusting imprint, HANG THE MUVVA FUCKERS, ALL OF THEM (NO MATTER WHICH GROUP THEY REPRESENT)!!!
5)Dishonest, corrupt, egoistic, selfish leaders who only think of themselves and prey off of the people who put them in their positions in the first place!
6)Dishonest people generally, LOCK EM ALL UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEYS!
7)Rich and famous wannabe do - gooders who offer so little, make sure the world knows how "good" they are just to enhance their own popularity, sick!
8) Gays. Lesbians and all others who hang their minority protests out big time, proclaiming that their way is the "Natural way," fuck off behind your own four walls and do what you do in private!
9)People who hurt other people because of greed, enjoyment or are just sick, lock em up!!!
10)George "Fucking" Bush, Osama bin Laden, Tony Blair, and the rest of the clowns who pushed the world into the predicaments it finds itself today, all of those who voted for them in the first place and believed in their lies, get a fucking life!
11)All religious fanatics (Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, whatever!) who show no respect and tolerance for other beliefs!
12)Last not least, all of those global corrupt financial multi - billionaire muvva fuckers who pull strings when they want to and bring so much misery to the world (send them all to global refugee camps, shanty towns, etc, and let them experience what real fucking misery is, BASTARDS!!!!)
Well my Jaggedone's St.Jagged is sure he has forgotten someone out there, if I have, have a good long look at yourself in the mirror and find out which list you fit into, this Jaggedone doesn't give a shit!
Have a merry ol EOY - FFF (once more for the ignorant and hypocritical amongst you = END OF YEAR - FUCKING FAMILY FLING!)
See you all in 2009 and don't forget to send your donations over to "Muy Pobre" St.Jagged and his forever WAN-KIN-DIK!!!
Adios, Goodbye, Aufwiedersehen, etc, etc.
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