Jaggedone's, what a surprise, offered you all my EOY - FFF (End Of Year -Family Fucking Fling) seasonal greetings and now St.Jagged is back with new thoughts, provoked by a discussion at the lunch table today (19.12.08).
In the good ol clean, upright, upstanding, forever goody goody USA a family of US Nazi's, after naming their baby Adolf Hitler, requested that the local baker should bake a cake with the name AH printed on the top, they were refused vehemently. Promptly the Nazi family accused the baker of discrimination and threatened to sue him! (or lock him up in Auschwitz, oh no it never existed, how could they??)
Now Jaggedone's we all know how sensitive non - Nazi's and goodie, goodies react to ol Adolf and co, Jews, Holocaust, etc, but this ere St.Jagged, although totally rejecting any form of oppression, prejudices based on colour, religion, creed, political beliefs, etc, or genocide caused by any group whatsover, felt that this time the US Nazi family might just have a point.
Well fuck me, ol St.jagged is going against the grain once more, what a surprise!
The reasons for my line of thought are as following:
Anybody, group or whoever who causes injustly harm, kills and maims innocent people belongs, as far as St.Jagged is concerned, in the same category as Mr.Hitler.
Historically there has been no empire, nation created, religious expansion, geographical expansion, political power or power generally gained without the murdering and butchering of innocent lives.
No race, country, continent, empire, religion, etc, could ever prove that they have non - bloodstained hands, this is a fact, everybody involved, historically and presently have in one way or another bloodstains on their consciences.
Ok, Ok, clever muvva fuckers amongst you, you're all thinking, "yes but there are different levels of gaining power and oppressing the innocent": No muvva fuckers the act reamains the same, killing is killing and it matters not how many you kill, or how you do it, the fact is that you do it to gain and maintain POWER!
Lets have a look at some perfect examples, historically and present:
Well the Egyptian/Roman Empires were certainly created on the back of murdering, genocide, sacrifices and how the fuck were the Pyramids built? St.Jagged is pretty sure ol Cleopatra and the Pharaohs didn't lift one little stone. The Roman Emperors loved their fantastic colloseums and temples where they led their slaves to the slaughter! Not forgetting the millions that were slaughtered whilst maintaining their impressive empires. Oh how we all admire them these days!!!
Ghengis Kahn and his marauding armies, Ottoman Empire, etc, you name them and St Jagged will guarantee you that they all loved a good ol bloody, bloodbath party.
How about our do - goody religious little angels spreading the global words of Christianity, Hebraism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, they all sent their blood thirsty armies out to implement bloody, butchering techniques to force their holy, righteous gospels down peoples throats (if they still had a head on their shoulders!).
One certain happy invasion, religious oppression springs to mind; our sweet, loving Spanish Catholics were pretty good at cold bloodedly hacking some heads off during the Spanish Inquisition (makes Adolf look like a Messiah) also our marauding, crusading Brits during the Christian crusades, I don't want to fucking know how much fun they had, raping, murdering and pillaging IN THE NAME OF CHRIST: GET MY LINE OF THOUGHT?
Ok, lets move forward a bit, St.Jagged don't dare mention the Dutch, Brits, Spanish, Portugese, Italians, Americans, Germans and the rest of the civilised world transporting black slaves from the Jungle into the new world. How many of them poor bastards were slaughtered and butchered for the sake of greed and power?
Ah yes our clean as a whistle, forgotten everything Rule Brittania, blood right up till their white collared necks, the fabulous British Empire, The Raj, Australia, Africa, America, well practically anywhere they ruled, blood, blood and even more blood (how clean does ol Adolf look now!)
Our Japanese friends did a pretty good job in China and other Far Eastern countries, also the Chinese did a pretty bloody job amongst their own and in Tibet, not to forget ol Pol Pot and his charming Killing Fields!.
Sovjet eastern block oppression, murder, incaceration and torture in it's satellite states. Rumania, what an ol chummy charmer Mr Ceaucescu was! Bulgaria, Poland, Honecker in the DDR, Tito in sunny Jugoslavia and the legacy of the Balkan wars, etc, pretty bloody mob that lot!!
OK, lets get really up to date, our beloved US and their Allies fighting in the name of righteousness, Christian values (what the fuck are Christian values, ask Jesus, and certainly not his human representatives, he might be the only one who knows!). Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, BLOODY HELL, a lot of innocents slaughtered their too!
Lets look at their evil oppponents, fuck me, just the same, Taliban, Sadam, Bin laden, Ho Chi Minh, blood, blood and even more blood everywhere!
Oops, forgot our oh so clean Jewish bretheren over there in Israel and their Palestinian counterparts murdering and killing each other for the sake of a bit of power and land!
Stalin, Franco, Salazar, Mussolini, George Bush (he's just a complete clown and irresponsible for his acts but still as guilty as the rest!) Pinochet, Argentinian, Brazilian, African, Asian, etc Dictators / Generals. Mr "Pyschokiller" Mugawe, Rwandan genocide all perpetrated by corrupt generals, politicans, Arabian Sheikhs, you name them, blood, blood and more butchered blood, GET MY FUCKING POINT BY NOW!!
StJagged could could write an endless book if he could ("St.Jagged your worthless shit is not worthy of a bog roll let alone a book", thanks, St.Jagged's innerconsience kicks St.Jagged in his WAN-KIN-DIK and tells them to fuck off and get a life!).
Jaggedone's, never in a million years would St.Jagged condone the acts of ol Adolf and Co, but sometimes St.Jagged thinks, if our lovely Adolf wouldn't have stuck his arch enemies and "Untermenschen" in the gas chambers, arsehole. Maybe he would have ended up being some sort of Messiah (Autobahns, etc) and after looking at the evil fuckers mentioned above, he wasn't so much different either (but St.Jagged still wouldn't call his child Goebbels, Hitler, Eichmann or whatever and certainly not have it written on his birthday cake, Aryan Broitherhood my arse, you're no different than the slaughtering rest!)
From St.Jagged and his bruised WAN-KIN-DIK (you know!)
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