Oh happy days, oh happy days, it didn't take long for the fireworks to be extinguished and oh shit, back to our daily slog of work, school, war and peace (if Tolstoy was alive he'd blag ol St.Jagged for some fucking royalties, especially because of the millions of global readers who attend the Jaggededge global "TRUTH" pages of this masterful blog site!) 2008 out of the door and 2009 comes slamming into our living rooms with all of the ferocity that was suppose to be left behind in 2008, Bush an all!
Yeah, what a fucking change we all went through, just to reach the other side and find out it's all just the fucking same and maybe even worse, surprise, surprise!!!!
Nevermind, back to the dreadful TRUTH:
Israel versus Hamas in the ancient Gazastrip of stone, desert, Palestinians, no fresh water, no hygiene, bombs on innocent victims, destroyed homes, tanks ablaze fighting WHO???? Billions of dollars needed to rebuild the shithole, children, grandmothers, grandads, etc, being systematically murdered, air attacks, rocket attacks, 1300 dead and thousands more wounded, maimed, and that's only in Gaza.
What about in merry old, mega Jewish, peace and Shalom to all mankind (only if they're not fucking Arabian or even worse, Palastinian) orange groved, loads of fresh water, food for everybody (as long as they're not Palestinian!) hygiene, holidays in the mediterranean sun, America's sattelite state Numero uno and home of the only real holy sons of "God" themselves (no not Jesus, he was only crucified there!) fucking Israel.
30 dead, couple of Hamas ancient rockets fired into empty fields along the border, couple of injured soldiers, lots of money spent blowing the Gazastrip into oblivion and a shiny happy Irsaeli state flexing it's mighty mean war machine against a bunch of yellow - bellied Hamas terrorists hiding in the back gardens of innocent non - Hamas Palestinians.
"So," you're all asking, "whats fucking new"????
The financial crisis rumbles on; US/UK/German/Spanish/Icelandic/Chinese/Japanese/Dutch/Belgian/etc, etc, banks rapidly continue to lose their assets in the global financial meltdown, unemployment rising, car manufacturers holding their pathetic begging bowls out to their governments for quick fix, billion dollar bail outs, investors run to the hills with their billions strapped between their balls hoping for better times, stocks and shares tumbling and disappearing quicker than the ice melting in the real meltdown taking place at the north and south poles.
The poor getting poorer the rich (greedy fuckers) hording their money and staying rich, etc, etc.
"So, " you're all asking, "whats fucking new."????
Yes people, avid Jagged readers, there is something new,
THE BLACK, FRESH, SHINY, PURE, WHITER THAN WHITE (just a metaphor, arseholes!)
smiley, white teethed, President elect telling us all the "CHANGE" is here, and "I will give you everything you need, black, white, yellow, red, I don't fucking care who you are, or where you come from" ("apart from Islamic terrorist groups, the Taliban, Icelandic bank managers, and white Nazi extremists!").
I, MR BARACK OBAMA am your new elected MESSIAH and I will change the world!!!!
(why is it that we all need some elected or in many cases, non - elected, FUEHRER to lead us out of all of the shit we constantly get ourselves into???)
Why can't we look at ourselves and attempt to CHANGE? Why do we have to put these arseholes in office to lead us to the path of righteousness, non - evil, goody, goody, bullshit and co? And why do these "MESSIAHS" always come and go and we all end up in the same position as before, the rich stay rich and the poor get fucking poorer and the "Messiahs" earn millions selling their memoirs???
St.Jagged obviously refuses to have anything do to with the mega hype around
Mr. "MESSIAH" Obama, only if our wonderful new "MESSIAH" changes the way that humans wickedly treat each other for five minutes (in earthly terms five minutes means at least a 100 years) and changes the disgraceful behaviour of our greed/power stricken, so called wonderful leaders, then 2009 will certainly be remembered as the year of the CHANGE.
Jaggedone's, if you believe that ol bullshit then you really should be put up against the wall and mercifully, put to sleep!!
St.Jagged will not mention any analogy between a certain Mr. Hitler (mentioned in an earlier masterpiece) and our not so black Mr. Obama, for the sake of the Aryan Brotherhood attacking my front door, dressed in KU KLUX CLAN uniforms, branding fiery torches and wanting to send ol St.Jagged and his merry ol WAN-KIN-DIK servant to the fiery brimstones of racist hell!!
Anyway, Jaggedone's, just go back to your daily trot of survival, where ever you are and please accept greetings (and send donations!) from my rotting ol WAN-KIN-DIK, dead goldfish, scabby Pitbull terrier (saved from the dastardly clutches of the evil dog fighting fraternity and their frenzied, betting, wicked public baying for the blood of the innocent beasts, fuck me that rings an Israeli bell!! ), bad - breath cat called Pussy Galore (yes more Pussy, that's what the world needs!!) and last not least the one and only real MESSIAH, St.Jagged apostle of his own, demented evil versions of the real "TRUTHS"!!!
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