Well "Jaggaloonies" the absloute summit of world hypocrisy has just been revealed, Obama and his peace prize, my fucking arse, St.Jagged even deserves it more, God (who?) told me so!
They can stick it up their slimy butts and afterwards flush it down their Norwegian bogs!
In fact St.Jagged was so devastated at not even being nominated alongside our new "Messiah" he puked all over his Pizza and came up with the following snipe!
Proof that the world is so full of crap and bullshit and those who run it are just a bunch of hypocritical crapheads, here it is, greetings to Napoli!
Originally written on the Spoof site, and misunderstood as usual!:
Napoli's most famous pizza baker, Bollacka O-Mama, has just won the world's most coveted and very prestigious "Nobelli Pizza Prize" on a Norwegian oil Rig in the North Sea!
The prize was handed over by Exon's blond, buxom, pigtailed, Viking, Norwegian beauty Queen, Elfrida Visoilstrom and Neopolitan pizza baker, Bollacka O-Mama, was so overwhelmed by the North Sea waves he puked over the side during the ceremony!
Bollacka had just devoured one of his famous "Tuna Fish very oily" specielle pizzas and couldn't keep it down, "MAMA-DE MIA THESE FOOKING WAVES, UUGH!"
The rest of the Norwegian oil rig crew joind Bollacka in a solidarity movement and also puked in unison over the side, unfortunately the helicopter crew which flew Bollacka to the rig were underneath at the time, pizza puke extravaganzie, BELLA!
As for Exons Viking beauty queen, Elfrida Visoilstrom, she heaved to the left but avoided an embarrasment by puking down her very tasty, heaving cleavage, blushing accordingly!
The Norwegian oil rig were very proud to be hosts of this prestigious ceremony putting that other "NOBEL" bent and very hypocritical prize giving ceremony to shame!
As Bollacka O-Mama was About to leave the oil rig with his prize of 200 lousy Norwegian Krona stuffed tightly in his puke stained pizza-baking apron he issued the following statement:
"I, Bollacka O-Mama and my Mama ama so proud to be heere on dis ere oily rig and receivey my precia from Nobelli Norway I'e hopey that the mondia will never forghetti mia et mia fabulosi pizzas, ARRIVEDERCI BELLAS, et may I never comie back to dis ere shitoli!"
As his helicopter took off, Bollacka O-Mama, still feeling very fucking pukey, sprayed the rest of his oily "Tuna fish Speciellie" all over the waving crew, Bella Norway mucho Nobellie!!
And the passing seagulls picked up the "PEACES!"
Another proof that St.Jagged is a distorted, raving, Nutter, lop-sided genius, want's the Noble prize desperately and the bucks, but his ol mate and trusty slave, WAN-KIN-DIK, nodded his head in disbelief so St.Jagged kicked him in the balls!
My WAN-KIN-DIK is now recovering from the injury and will sue that bastard St.Jagged for every penny he owns!
Bad fucking luck WAN-KIN-DIK, I'm fucking broke!
WAN-KIN-DIK got on his knees and begged for a bullet in the back of his head and a piece of Bollacka O-Mama's oily pizza to take with him!
Arrivederci Balla's!
The story continues!
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