Ja, Ja, Ja-ggedones, he's back quicker than you all thought, reasons:
St.Jagged saw a documentary on the fab BEEB, better known as the BBC, and it got right on his almighty fucking nerves!
The docu. followed the steps of a bungling, crap reporter trying to infiltrate the world of contemporary art, gallerists, auctioneers, and most important that fab, trendy artist, Damien Hirst, what a massive tosser he is!
Hirst, multi billionaire crap/shocker painter along with corrupt auctioneers, Sotheby's, Christies and his gallerists manipulate the prices of Hirst's shitty works and other well known contemporary artists too. Keeping their prices at astronomical levels and flogging their shit to the deaf, dumb, blind and very rich and famous multi-billionaire, trend-setty fraternity, manipulating and corrupting the system on the way!
St.Jagged had seen enough when these lumps of banal art (shit) were being sold for amounts, which could feed a starving African nation for a year, and ended up on the walls of some banal mega-rich bullshitters who find it necessary to have the crap hanging on their walls, they should be sent post-haste in the direction of a shit-hole shanty town in downtown Congo and invest their worthless billions decently!
Have a read, have a laugh, and think about the waste of money being thrown down the throats of Mr "Devilish" Damian and his cohorts, FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU!!
Here we go:
A very cutting documentary has been released about Damian Hirst, his gallerists, the auctioneers, the contemporary art world generally and how the fuck they all manipulate the astronomical prices of their so called works of very crappy, contemporary art.
The nosy, toss of a reporter was sometimes even refused entrance to many auctions of Hirsts superior art (my butt!). But the Jaggedone's CIA (cockroach infiltration Army) never failing to miss a piece of arty farty scandal, promptly sent there superstar art-reporter "Vinny Van Cock" behind the scenes to pick up some scandal and info about how these mega-rich morons take the piss out of us all, here his report:
Damian knows his "art" is absolute crap but certainly does know how to shock the public very well, manipulate and force the prices of his crap sky-high.
Golden cows, sharks, Jesus in urine, stubbed out dog-ends, diamond skulls, butterfly bullshit, you name it devilish Damian flogs it. He even has the audacity to let others make his crap works of art for him and then puts his mega-rich signature on the bottom.
Other lower league contemporary artists practise the same thing, produce crap and flog it to deaf, dumb, blind mega-rich morons. Their gallerists and auctioneers also manipulate the prices so keeping the mega-crap artworks priced at astronomical levels. 30 million bucks for a single coloured canvas, not even a real artist like Vincent Van Gogh could achieve that!
Anyway our intrepid reporter "Vinny Van Cock" passed all of the corrupted info over to that tosser reporter (Daily "Scrap" Mail) waiting in his "cool" very gay, pink Bubblecar.
Damian and his morons will obviously continue to earn billions, the ignorant public will continiue to flock to the museums admiring a piece of horses manure plonked in the corner, "Oh golly, how wunderbar Darling, we must have it."
In the mean time superstar CIA reporter, "Vinny Van Cock" has six-legged it off with a real piece of art under his gut, a Picasso, worth peanuts compared to the "oh so fabby" devilish Damian's crap!
The nosy, toss of a reporter was sometimes even refused entrance to many auctions of Hirsts superior art (my butt!). But the Jaggedone's CIA (cockroach infiltration Army) never failing to miss a piece of arty farty scandal, promptly sent there superstar art-reporter "Vinny Van Cock" behind the scenes to pick up some scandal and info about how these mega-rich morons take the piss out of us all, here his report:
Damian knows his "art" is absolute crap but certainly does know how to shock the public very well, manipulate and force the prices of his crap sky-high.
Golden cows, sharks, Jesus in urine, stubbed out dog-ends, diamond skulls, butterfly bullshit, you name it devilish Damian flogs it. He even has the audacity to let others make his crap works of art for him and then puts his mega-rich signature on the bottom.
Other lower league contemporary artists practise the same thing, produce crap and flog it to deaf, dumb, blind mega-rich morons. Their gallerists and auctioneers also manipulate the prices so keeping the mega-crap artworks priced at astronomical levels. 30 million bucks for a single coloured canvas, not even a real artist like Vincent Van Gogh could achieve that!
Anyway our intrepid reporter "Vinny Van Cock" passed all of the corrupted info over to that tosser reporter (Daily "Scrap" Mail) waiting in his "cool" very gay, pink Bubblecar.
Damian and his morons will obviously continue to earn billions, the ignorant public will continiue to flock to the museums admiring a piece of horses manure plonked in the corner, "Oh golly, how wunderbar Darling, we must have it."
In the mean time superstar CIA reporter, "Vinny Van Cock" has six-legged it off with a real piece of art under his gut, a Picasso, worth peanuts compared to the "oh so fabby" devilish Damian's crap!
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