Of course St.Jagged slightly altered the report to at least attempt to raise a cynical, humourous awareness of the plight of these very poor bastards. What else should ST.Jagged do, cry into his veggy curry!
After observing the plight of the Dalits you begin to realise that St.Jagged could well be telling the fucking TRUTH and the world is full of crap!
Well enjoy it and think deeply about your visit and complaint about the next pristine clean motorway bog, while the Dalits in Mumbai have to share one shithole amongst 800!!!

Here we go the title is:
Indian lowest cast Dalits given publicity by the Beeb for their luxury lifestyle!
Another superb "Beeb" roving reporter gave the world an insight on BBC World, into the Indian cast (slave) system and proved that the slavedrivers are acting in a "humane" and correct way.
"Dalits are happy with their "Karma", and should be forced into modern - day slavery otherwise they would all end up in the shithole slums of Mumbai, amongst the human excrement, rubbish and squalour," they proclaim.
The Slavedrivers (or higher cast landowners) offer a pristine clean, working environment, healthy meals (rice, rice and even more rice) supplemented by luxury rat meat. Contrary to filthy slum living with 800 people utilising one toilet, sewer rats, and a constant flow of human SHIT and disease.
Dalits wishing to escape slavery should think twice before rushing off to the shitholes of Bombay, at least they can breathe the fresh air of country life and fulfill their Karma decently, albeit with a whip up their backsides!
The "Beeb" reporter acting humbly sampling a 5***** country rat menu said "umm, delicious, tastes just like chicken and free of any sewerage leftovers like those other stinking rats swimming in the crap of Mumbai."
Superb reporting and an excellent insight into an "alternative lifestyle"." The Beeb alongside the Sri Lankan (experts at package holidays to revolting places!) and Indian tourist boards are actually thinking of starting package hols. to the Dalit areas hoping that their "way of life" attracts global attention, makes the rich landowner bastards even richer and keeps the "muy pobre" Dalits in their fucking place!
Jaggedone refused to send his CIA (cockroach infiltration army) to the area to discover the "TRUTH", the dangers of infection and disease for his intrepid Cockroach reporters was too risky!
"Dalits are happy with their "Karma", and should be forced into modern - day slavery otherwise they would all end up in the shithole slums of Mumbai, amongst the human excrement, rubbish and squalour," they proclaim.
The Slavedrivers (or higher cast landowners) offer a pristine clean, working environment, healthy meals (rice, rice and even more rice) supplemented by luxury rat meat. Contrary to filthy slum living with 800 people utilising one toilet, sewer rats, and a constant flow of human SHIT and disease.
Dalits wishing to escape slavery should think twice before rushing off to the shitholes of Bombay, at least they can breathe the fresh air of country life and fulfill their Karma decently, albeit with a whip up their backsides!
The "Beeb" reporter acting humbly sampling a 5***** country rat menu said "umm, delicious, tastes just like chicken and free of any sewerage leftovers like those other stinking rats swimming in the crap of Mumbai."
Superb reporting and an excellent insight into an "alternative lifestyle"." The Beeb alongside the Sri Lankan (experts at package holidays to revolting places!) and Indian tourist boards are actually thinking of starting package hols. to the Dalit areas hoping that their "way of life" attracts global attention, makes the rich landowner bastards even richer and keeps the "muy pobre" Dalits in their fucking place!
Jaggedone refused to send his CIA (cockroach infiltration army) to the area to discover the "TRUTH", the dangers of infection and disease for his intrepid Cockroach reporters was too risky!
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